Best Broadheads of 2018

Broadheads are most likely the next gear you should spend much time deciding on after choosing the best compound bow to use. Broadheads carry out the killing; simple and plain. They ultimately carry out the harm to the hunted animal remaining down range. However, for as many bowhunters that are in the forested areas, there appear to be various kinds of broadheads to pick from.

The topic of what is the best broadhead is a subject that will always be talked about. The ideal thing that a bowhunter should do is to understand and know what each kind of broadhead is and their functions. Then, the best model can be chosen.

Since an arrow’s broadhead is one of the deciding devices on how efficient and effective you are as a bowhunter, it is an absolute necessity for you to be highly concern about what works well for you and to the game animal and what might not. Read this post to find out more about the best hunting broadheads.

Function of a Broadhead

Firstly, broadhead can be defined as a sharp metal part at the tip of an arrow, directly opposite the cock fletch. It is usually regarded as an arrowhead. A broadhead is always the first part that enters the target when hunting. One shot is sufficient to hunt down the animal.

Contingent upon the broadhead’s shape, factors such as the cutting efficiency, penetration, impact and flight travel can vary. Choices are generally available, and many hunters choose what is best from their partners and what might be the best for him.

Contemplations for the best broadheads for your bow all boils down to the ethical murder. Although skill-level and form can likewise add to an ethical hunt, excellent broadheads can make it effortless to penetrate the game animal and skill with close immediacy.

Sturdy broadheads can likewise help with leaving a sufficiently huge wound for an apparent blood trail so you won’t lose your game in the forested areas when the blood trail blurs away. The broadheads are classified into two major types in namely: a mechanical and fixed blade which will be talked about later on.

Main Types of Broadhead

Each broadhead types has a distinct purpose for which it is good at doing. While it is quite possible to conversely utilize fixed blade broadhead types for mechanical types, they may not function well and also the other might for a specific animal.

Fixed Blade Broadheads

This types of broadhead don’t have any moving parts and the sharp edges are linked at both the back and front along the broadhead body (or ferrule). Mostly, the whole edge is linked to the broadhead body. This makes the auxiliary quality of a fixed blade kind of broadhead more prominent compared to any other type of broadhead because it doesn’t have any weak point. For instance, broadhead sharp edges that are linked with the ferrule in just a single area (like mechanical ones) tend to break by then whenever blade loose is a problem. Fixed-blade broadheads can likewise convey a larger number of blades compared to mechanicals ones.

Many bowhunters incline towards the fixed-blade broadhead types since they leave a large exit injury, guarantee a strong blood trail, and you can likewise change the tips by inserting a new blade. To change a blunt blade, simply embed it in the broadhead metal ferrule once you have loosened the tip of the arrow. Keep in mind that changing your own particular blades is hazardous and you risk self-damage. Moreover, remember that blade substitution is usually on the costly side and don’t usually convey the most ideal penetration.

The greatest complaint related with fixed-blade broadheads is when it comes to flight attributes. However, it is vital to know that there are various factors that influence the ability of a broadhead to fly properly. For example, bow tune, bow speed, total broadhead’s blade surface, and the aggregate number of blades all affect the attributes of flight.

However, great broadhead flight begins by shooting a well-tuned bow along with arrows that are on the right spine. Otherwise, execution will suffer regardless of what broadhead you are using. In any case, getting broadheads to fly in a way similar to field points is perhaps the main contributing variable behind shooting mechanical broadheads instead fixed blade. In the product review section, we will show you some of the best fixed blade broadheads available in the market today.

Mechanical Broadheads

When initially introduced, the mechanical broadheads were faced with a ton of doubt. Basically as a result of the moving parts associated with them and the idea that there was usually a possibility something could turn out badly.  Also, angled shot and penetration got their fair share of feedback. Modern mechanical broadheads needed the blade to flip “in reverse” so as to open. This activity diminished the kinetic energy of the arrow and somewhat decreased general penetration. With that, it was perceived that when utilized on intense quartering-off shots that the sharp edges on a side of the broadhead might be pressurized to fold back before others, thus, making a “cartwheel” response that may end in an injured and lost animal.

However, with their field-point like flight and vast cutting diameter, mechanical or expandable broadheads are an inexorably prevalent choice for bowhunters. The technology discovered on the present day’s mechanical broadheads is a wide margin ahead of those produced a short time ago. For instance, the most recent pattern in mechanical broadhead types is “rear deploying” blades.

The blades glide straight back upon strike of a prey instead of the old, infiltration victimizing “fold-back” strategy of before. This gives the mechanical broadhead a sleeker profile, which enhances flight attributes, while additionally enhancing penetration potential. The sharp edges on mechanical broadheads are harder today due to the new materials and also fabricating process.

Mechanical broadheads have amazing flight ascribes and even appeal to the most specific of bowmen. The best mechanical broadheads offer unrivaled penetration and the cutting edges work best with skinned preys. The best outcomes when utilizing broadheads will originate from targeting your game broadside; on avoidances, the execution and penetrative energy of mechanical broadheads may decrease.

There are still some downsides to utilizing the mechanical broadheads of nowadays. Extra moving parts improves the likelihood that specific parts won’t work as they ought to. The capability of a fizzled deployment isn’t a worry when it comes to fixed-blade broadheads.

Hybrid Broadheads

This type of broadhead is the combination of mechanical blade and fixed blade broadheads. Basically, the arrow tip is cut-on-contact just like the fixed-blade while the back part is the expandable or mechanical blade.

The penetration and cutting power are more upgraded with this broadhead type leaving the game with serious blood trail. There are also some cons with utilizing the hybrid broadhead as it the pattern of flight is inconsistent. And furthermore, it would require steady support to guarantee that the two blade types are working well.

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Factors to Consider When Buying a Broadhead

As a deer hunter, picking the best broadheads for deer hunting may sound pretty easier, yet the procedure is really more difficult than may ever think of. There are various variables that go into broadhead outline, yet bowhunters want a similar result from every one of them: great field point exactness with a fast, clean execution, that leaves a good blood trail for following game animal. To help with the procedure, here are some basic factors you need to consider when searching for the best broadheads.

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Broadhead Cutting Diameter

At the point when a broadhead strikes the animal, it should cut the largest injury channel possible. This may cause more harm to important organs and also allow a lot of blood to flow outside the body cavity, thus making tracking efforts less demanding. The tricky and complex part is locating a broadhead that strikes a decent harmony between penetration and cutting diameter.

It is quite good to shoot a broadhead with an expansive cutting swath if such qualities will make it penetrate poorly. Moreover, a head that blasts totally through a deer, but leaves a tiny opening, can at times cause issues of its own; particularly on peripheral hits.

Unfortunately, there isn’t any hard standard with regards to an ideal cutting diameter, so accurate numbers can’t be suggested. Differences in arrow weights and bow setups are excessively wide, making it impossible to limit the choices down to just one “perfect” diameter. But remember, the more kinetic energy produced by a setup, the more alternatives in broadhead options there will be just because the power expected to push a bigger slicing head through flesh, hide and bone will be available.

You need to consider that when utilizing heads with a little cutting diameter like 1 inch, they need to possess four blades. The explanation behind this is that a four cutting-edge head will punch a gapping opening, instead of a silt, in a deer’s hide, thus making it almost impossible for the injury to close up.

Broadhead Strength

Ideally, every arrow would slip easily between the ribs of a game; encountering only thin hide and delicate, vital organs. However, in this present reality, broadheads are sometimes needed to drive through arrow deflecting ribs and heavy shoulders. And, despite the fact that a deer skeletal configuration isn’t that large, issues can still emerge when utilizing an ineffective broadhead; especially one that is not very strong. Keep in mind, the time the blade breaks or separate each other from the body (ferrule), then the broadhead has simply stopped working and that is an awful thing.

Without unveiling too many details encompassing the procedures NAP uses to develop their broadheads, it can actually be noted that they begin by utilizing top level carbon/chromium parts and afterward melt and consolidate the two. The benefit of using higher caliber components is that you get a more durable item and your broadhead’s blades will hold an edge well compared to those produces with low grade chromium/carbon. To most retailers, all broadheads may appear to be the same, yet when heavyweight bone is encountered, or sharp edges need to be re-sharpened, it is at that point that the distinctions in edge and strength are obvious.

The heat hardening procedures contribute largely to a broadheads general strength. However, strength likewise starts with picking the best materials; the ones that will bend but won’t break. So, the strength of a broadhead is a vital factor to consider when looking for the right model for hunting.

Blade Sharpness

Not at all like bullets, broadheads need to inflict enough harm to cause demise by loss of blood, or lung deflation (asphyxiation). Accordingly, it is essential that your arrow drives deeper into the body cavity of the animal as possible so as to reach as many as organs and arteries as possible. The potential penetration of a broadhead depends on an assortment of things. Furthermore, while a bow’s draw length, draw weight and general arrow weight all assume a key part, there are attributes exclusive to the broadhead in particular that also influence how profoundly it will penetrate a prey.

The most evident thing that can impede or enhance penetration is the sharpness of a blade. If the blades on a specific broadhead are not sharp enough, then another brand need to be chosen. Blade sharpness is vital due to the fact that before the broadhead even gets closer to the vital organs, it should first trim through hair and hide.

That may appear to be a simple undertaking, yet if the cutting edge of a broadhead is already dull, it will even be much duller when it comes in contact with the next prey it encounters. Naturally, veins are slippery and stretchy; acting much like a lubed up elastic band. When a dull blade comes in contact with them, the odds are great, it will slip directly over them instead of slicing through them. This means less loss of blood. Therefore, the sharpness of a blade is paramount to a successful hunting.

Weight of Prey

The kind of broadhead to use depends greatly on what game will you chase on. With respect to fixed blade broadheads, they work well when used to shoot at prey below 50 lbs. The mechanical ones, however, is for prey over 50 lbs.

When chasing big prey, penetration is actually the key but what finishes the chase is the exactness of your arrows. To such an extent that for this instance, mechanical broadheads are good as they can slice to a great extent through leaving the prey with a big opening where the blood gushes out.

With larger openings mean larger blood volume in a short moment so, the game cannot be that far when it is down.

Crossbow vs. Regular Broadhead

This is also one of the essential factors to consider when choosing the right broadhead for you.  There isn’t much contrast between a crossbow broadhead and a compound bow broadhead. They have similar features like similar type and similar function. However, if you want to know the difference between the two, then you need to check their weight.

However, for best crossbow broadhead models, they are actually heavier compared to the regular ones beginning at above 120 grains. It is important for it to be heavy since if it is not, like lighter compared to the authoritatively prescribed crossbow broadhead weight, one could experience the ill effects of wounds. It might even destroy the crossbow to the extent that it won’t be repairable.


Obviously, the material for making a broadhead is of great importance. They should be durable, tough, and won’t effectively dull. Most broadheads are built with aluminum and carbon steel.

For broadheads built with carbon, they are either stainless steel or coated. Carbon steel has usually been well-known for their durability and sharpness though they are likewise notorious to be regularly sharpened to hold their extremely sharp edges. Aluminum metal is very light and would make an extraordinary broadhead since it travels quick.


For each device, the cost of it is usually the last factor in choosing to push through in buying it or not. Always remember that the higher the value, the better the features and quality it has. However, there are medium-valued broadheads that can ensure the desired user encounter it can provide. Be more mindful of your inclinations and follow what it instructs you to purchase.

Best Broadheads on the Market Today

What are the best broadheads models on the market today? Great question. It appears like some broadhead producers are staying with their proven products, while others have explored different avenues regarding new designs that may draw some attention.

However, we have assembled some of the best models from the broadheads types discussed before. They are reviewed here for their general quality.

G 5 Outdoors Montec

The G5 Outdoors Montec is one of the best fixed blade broadheads. it is built with stainless steel and does not subject itself easily to rust. This broadhead is well sharpened and it is what you will want to get in order to subdue your animal game. Its features a 100 grain cutting diameter at 1-1/16 inches. It also features a cut-on-contact tip which will definitely reach your prey accurately because the fun of Montec is accuracy.  As a fixed-blade broadhead type, it is highly durable resistant with regards to re-sharpening the tapered blade.

G 5 Outdoors Montec


The G5 Montec is indeed a strong piece of steel, sharp edges and all, that needs sharpening for consistent use. It is always known for its straight flight with less sound, and reliable to perpetrate a takedown wound. It is nothing unexpected that the Montec are cherished by bowmen of all levels of skill.


  • Solid fixed-blade style
  • Easy re-sharpening of blade
  • Very effective and simple
  • Fly just like field points
  • Super sharp and ultra-deadly
  • Great value


  • Some buyers complained of defective threads
  • It whistles like a rocket when shot

Wasp Drone Fixed Blade Broadhead

The Wasp Drone is a trusted model with regards to broadheads, and you cannot turn out badly with their products. The decreased surface region guarantees superior penetration, durability, and accuracy.

This broadhead built with stainless steel and remains sharp longer compared to other kind of metals. The tip can cut through the prey’s bone leaving it vulnerable, thus allowing for a quick kill. It features a cutting diameter of 1-1/8 inches and also has a weight of about 100 grains.

Wasp Drone Fixed Blade Broadhead


After there is a contact between the tip and the prey’s flesh, the sharp edges present on the back side starts to slice through the prey’s flesh and leave a trail of blood. The blades are replaceable. ​

Some of the archery product made by Wasp this year are the Drone, the the Jak-Knife and the Jak-Hammer broadheads. The Wasp Drone fixed blade is currently offered for Deep 6 arrows. This broadhead model alongside its chisel point is the ideal recipe for optimal penetration.


  • Great flight like field point
  • Quick clean kills
  • Leaves a great blood trail
  • Very tough, accurate and super sharp
  • Well made


  • Some models with silver collar are not good enough
  • Poor finish

Grim Reaper Razorcut Expandable Broadhead

These broadheads model are devastating in regards to the blood trail. It flies fast and can slice through as substantial as 1-3/4 inches. Being built with stainless steel and tipping a weight of 100 grains, there is definitely no issue of hitting as precision is really one of the qualities and features of a mechanical broadhead type.

Grim Reaper Razorcut Expandable Broadhead


The cut-on-contact tip guarantees razor sharpness, and the sharp edge has Maxx-Edge SS system that sends 0.35-inch sharp edges for a good penetration of flesh. The blades can be replaced when they become dull, so you can easily insert a new set of blade.

Every blade is matched with a spring stacked component that helps to keep the broadhead in place until the tension of impact. The whole head is created in a piece from stainless steel. It is actually particularly designed for crossbows and high KE bows of today.

The cut-on-contact means you achieve some penetration into the prey before deploying any blade. This enhances better performance on angled shots because of fewer deflections.


  • Nice big hole
  • Creates large blood trail
  • Very tough body
  • Very well made
  • Fly just like a practice tip
  • Complete pass through
  • Super shape


  • Some buyers had complained of less blood trail

G5 Outdoors T3 Crossbow

This broadhead is one of the best crossbow broadheads in the market today. It has field point precision that is pulverizing when it hits the prey. The material utilized is steel, and the sturdiness of this one is actually sealed. It has 3 blades that extend with the assistance of spider clasps. These clasps give chance for pre-tune blade improvement.

G5 Outdoors T3 Crossbow


Likewise, its cutting diameter is vast at 1-1/2″, the hole will really be large. Why this crossbow broadhead differs from the compound bow broadhead of a similar model is that the compound bow has silver clasps. Crossbow broadhead rather has red clasps and somewhat stiffer.

When you are on the hunt for a small animal such as fowl and squirrels, units that cut and penetrate profoundly will just destroy your catch. This crossbow broadhead by G5 Outdoors utilizes a “stun and tear” action which is intended to take down your prey without annihilating it. Sufficiently tough to be utilized more than once.


  • Tough construction
  • Very sharp tip
  • Creates a big cutting surface
  • Field point accuracy
  • Creates big entry and exit openings on prey


  • Bad metal retaining clip
  • Bad penetration

Swhacker 100 Grain Broadhead

The Swahacker 100 Grain is one of the best expandable broadheads that travels like a field tip and well-known for its two separate blades. The broadhead’s ferrule (body) of green color is built with anodized aircraft aluminum. Also, the tip is built with high-carbon steel while stainless steel is used to build the expandable blades.

Swhacker 100 Grain Broadhead


This broadhead is a staggering tool to use because it has the ability to punch through two inches after penetration is made. It tips the scale at 100 grains. The wing cutting edges do not open upon entry until the point when they do in the body. One of Schwacker’s design mechanism is that the blades are not configured to deploy until they penetrate the prey’s cavity. This lessens the odds of breaking a blade amid entry and they will stay sharper for creating damage to the prey’s tissue.

There are a few reasons this model stands out among mechanical broadheads. To begin with, the cost is more affordable compared to most fixed blades. Another reason is the straightforwardness, which you can be easily seen, they are exceptionally simple which implies less to turn out badly. Another reason is strength; we don’t need to say more concerning that. And the last reason is its reliability, which therefore makes it a major factor as a mechanical broadhead.


  • Awesome flight
  • Simple design
  • Great quality for the price
  • Creates great blood trails
  • Affordable
  • Great strength
  • Very reliable


  • It sometimes deploys in the quiver

Rage Xtreme

If you are looking for the best turkey broadhead for your next turkey hunt, then the Rage Xtreme is worth a try. Rage has successfully designed this broadhead particularly for turkey hunters that will prevent the issue of a flopping-then-escaping gobbler coming after a normal pass-through.

Rage Xtreme


This great broadhead by Rage has caught a generous segment of the mechanical market in the course of recent years. The rear-deploying design of this broadhead loses less kinetic energy during the opening process compared to the usual forward-deploying blades. The sharp edges display a less acute angle when passing through the game. This gives a distinct benefit as more strength is delivered to the prey and decent penetration is accomplished.

The Rage Xtreme broadhead offered the biggest cutting diameter at 2 ¼ inches. The huge 0.34-inch-intense deployable blades are generally sharp. At the point when shot through sheet shake, the head encountered moderate harm to the shock neckline. However, the head itself stayed in place. The three heads have an average weight of 99.993 grains, which shows great consistency.

We valued the ability of the head to stay intact while exhibiting such a far reaching cutting diameter. Also, this broadhead has a very impressive penetration of 8 inches.


  • Leaves large hole and great blood trail
  • Easy to install
  • Super sharp blades
  • Great price
  • Flies great and pack a punch
  • Creates big entry and exit openings on prey


  • Does not come with practice blade

Ramcat Mechanical Broadhead

The mechanical broadheads by Ramcat are expected to be one of most streamlined designs made. The broadhead’s ferrule is bigger compared to other mechanical models but features three air thwart flaps that permit air flow, thus keeping the wind from getting it. Ramcat claims that the extremely sharp head has the best penetration in the market, and many independent tests have turned out to be valid.

Ramcat Mechanical Broadhead


The Ramcat is really a hybrid broadhead model, where the cutting edges can fold forward, yet they remain intact when deployed. There are no lightening holes or fancy slots in this head, simply strong .032″ cutting surfaces made of stainless steel. Just in case you did not achieve a pass-through shot, the rear edges are additionally sharp, so this allows you to cut while hauling the arrow back out. Keep in mind: always ensure you check out the little screws each time you prepare to shoot for consistency.


  • Very quiet flight
  • Looks cool and fits good
  • Incredible blood trails
  • Great design
  • Market best penetration
  • Very strong and durable


  • Shallow threaded shaft
  • Double centering O-rings not included

New Archery Products Killzone

NAP has been in the business of pumping out fabulous items for a couple of years, but their newly made Killzone 2-blade rear deploying broadhead model doesn’t exactly measure up to their custom of performance. Just like all other NAP items, the Killzone broadhead is an incredible looking head. It comes with a fantastic fit-and-finish; however, at a weight of 110 grains approximately, they missed out on the publicized 100-grain weight by an expansive margin. They do give a training head to sight in (tipping the scale at 106.6 grains).

New Archery Products Killzone


A spring clasp holds the sharp edges in flight, avoiding o-rings or rubber bands. The spring-cut tension is found to be extremely tight, however, blocking the deployment of the blade. We are certain this is the reason this broadhead delivered the worst penetration of all mechanicals (5 ¼ inches). On the good side, it has a rugged head, receiving great remarks for its integrity.


  • Leaves great blood trail
  • Accurate and deadly
  • Blades are well-retained and do not malfunction
  • It is oftentimes reusable after shot
  • Complete pass-through


  • Too flimsy


There are many important factors that should go into figuring out what broadheads model will serve you well. Consider all the details of your hunting outings, the kind of prey you are chasing, and your level of skill, when buying broadheads.

Purchasing the right broadheads model isn’t just about getting great options at a sensible price, but about picking the gear that will expand the possibility of achievement in your hunting attempts while at the same time benefitting as much as possible from your archery abilities, and guaranteeing an ethical kill.

Check whether you can test-run some of the highly competitive broadheads available to see which model works great for your own specific needs.